Source code for pythreejs.core.Object3D

from math import pi, sqrt

from ipywidgets import register

from .._base.Three import ThreeWidget
from .Object3D_autogen import Object3D as Object3DBase

[docs]@register class Object3D(Object3DBase):
[docs] def add(self, children): if isinstance(children, Object3D): children = [children] children_list = list(self.children) children_list.extend(children) self.children = tuple(children_list)
[docs] def remove(self, children): if isinstance(children, Object3D): children = [children] children_list = list(self.children) for child in children: children_list.remove(child) self.children = tuple(children_list)
[docs] def lookAt(self, vector): self.exec_three_obj_method('lookAt', vector)
[docs] def rotateX(self, rad): self.exec_three_obj_method('rotateX', rad)
[docs] def rotateY(self, rad): self.exec_three_obj_method('rotateY', rad)
[docs] def rotateZ(self, rad): self.exec_three_obj_method('rotateZ', rad)
[docs] def setRotationFromMatrix(self, m): """ m is a 3 by 3 matrix, as a list of rows. The columns of this matrix are the vectors x, y, and z """ #x = self.normalize(m[0:3]) #y = self.normalize(m[3:6]) #z = self.normalize(m[6:9]) x = m[0:3] y = m[3:6] z = m[6:9] trace = x[0] + y[1] + z[2] if (trace > 0): s = 0.5 / sqrt(trace + 1) self.quaternion = [(y[2] - z[1]) * s, (z[0] - x[2]) * s, (x[1] - y[0]) * s, 0.25 / s] elif (x[0] > y[1] and x[0] > z[2]): s = 2.0 * sqrt(1.0 + x[0] - y[1] - z[2]) self.quaternion = [0.25 * s, (y[0] + x[1]) / s, (z[0] + x[2]) / s, (y[2] - z[1]) / s] elif (y[1] > z[2]): s = 2.0 * sqrt(1.0 + y[1] - x[0] - z[2]) self.quaternion = [(y[0] + x[1]) / s, 0.25 * s, (z[1] + y[2]) / s, (z[0] - x[2]) / s] else: s = 2.0 * sqrt(1.0 + z[2] - x[0] - y[1]) self.quaternion = [(z[0] + x[2]) / s, (z[1] + y[2]) / s, 0.25 * s, (x[1] - y[0]) / s]
def _repr_keys(self): # Don't include aggregate structures in repr super_keys = super(Object3D, self)._repr_keys() for key in super_keys: if key not in ['matrix', 'matrixWorld', 'normalMatrix', 'matrixWorldInverse', 'modelViewMatrix']: yield key