Source code for pythreejs.materials.LineMaterial_autogen

import six
from ipywidgets import (
    Widget, DOMWidget, widget_serialization, register
from ipywidgets.widgets.trait_types import TypedTuple
from traitlets import (
    Unicode, Int, CInt, Instance, ForwardDeclaredInstance, This, Enum,
    Tuple, List, Dict, Float, CFloat, Bool, Union, Any,

from .._base.Three import ThreeWidget
from .._base.uniforms import uniforms_serialization
from ..enums import *
from ..traits import *

from .Material import Material

[docs]@register class LineMaterial(Material): """LineMaterial Autogenerated by generate-wrappers.js This class is a custom class for pythreejs, with no direct corresponding class in three.js. """ _model_name = Unicode('LineMaterialModel').tag(sync=True) color = Color("#ffffff", allow_none=False).tag(sync=True) fog = Bool(False, allow_none=False).tag(sync=True) lights = Bool(False, allow_none=False).tag(sync=True) linewidth = CFloat(1, allow_none=False).tag(sync=True) dashScale = CFloat(1, allow_none=False).tag(sync=True) dashSize = CFloat(1, allow_none=False).tag(sync=True) gapSize = CFloat(1, allow_none=False).tag(sync=True) type = Unicode("LineMaterial", allow_none=False).tag(sync=True)
if six.PY3: import inspect # Include explicit signature since the metaclass screws it up LineMaterial.__signature__ = inspect.signature(LineMaterial.__init__)