Source code for pythreejs.textures.DataTexture

import numpy as np
from ipywidgets import register
from traitlets import validate, TraitError, Undefined
from ipydatawidgets import NDArrayWidget

from .DataTexture_autogen import DataTexture as BaseDataTexture

[docs]@register class DataTexture(BaseDataTexture): @validate('data') def _valid_data(self, proposal): value = proposal['value'] array = value.array if isinstance(value, NDArrayWidget) else value # Validate shape if np.ndim(array) < 2 or np.ndim(array) > 3: raise TraitError('Data needs to have two or three dimensions. Given shape was: %r' % (np.shape(array),)) old = self._trait_values.get(proposal['trait'].name, None) if old is not None and np.ndim(old) > 0 and np.shape(old) != np.shape(array): raise TraitError('Cannot change shape of previously initialized DataTexture. %r vs %r' % (np.shape(old), np.shape(array))) return value